Banished Threads is an action suspense thriller by Kaylin McFarren. The story revolves around Rachel Lyons and Chase Cohen, partners of a successful treasure-hunting company. In this third book from the Threads series, the couple goes on a vacation at the stately Cumberforge Manor in Bellwood, England. When they attend an elegant dinner hosted by Rachel’s uncle, Paul Lyons, and his aristocratic wife, Sara, a priceless collection of Morris Graves’ paintings is stolen from the gallery. The incident turns the treasure hunting duo into crime-stopping detectives who are dedicated to clear Sloan Rafferty’s name as she gets involved in the heist.
This was an intense read! And it was hard to put this down! I love Paul and Sara’s backstory, and the fact that Sara’s character turned out to be a very crucial character in the story. While I was able to relate with Rachel on the second book, Buried Threads, I couldn’t relate to her indecision about Chase in this book, despite knowing about her tragic past. I guess it’s because I resist to side with her as I am more sympathetic of Chase Cohen’s love and devotion for her, only to be constantly in fear of messing things up and losing her. Nevertheless, things turned out better than I expected, so I enjoyed reading this very exciting story. Also, the revelations towards the end were quite shocking!
Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. It kept me on the edge of my seat! It was exciting, unpredictable with a good plot twist, and very suspenseful. I highly recommend this to readers who read the first and second book, though every book is a standalone. WARNING: This book contains violence and explicit language and sex.