Betrayal at the Border is a political fiction and legal thriller by Mark M. Bello. The story revolves around two families who have migrated to the United States: The Gonzales and Izady family. Both families came into the country to have a better life, but instead, their life turned upside down as they got trapped in America’s dysfunctional immigration system. Zachary Blake and his partner, Marshall Mann are extraordinary lawyers who are determined to fight for these families against a terrorist network and a broken immigration system.
The things these immigrants go through are psychologically brutal! I cannot imagine how people cope with such a situation where they do not feel safe and protected in a country that they thought would give them a better life. Instead of fulfilling their dreams, they experience nightmares!
Everything felt so real because I felt their struggles and it broke my heart to know that in reality, there can be people just like the Gonzales and Izady family. Though their circumstances have been stressful, it’s comforting to know that there can be people like Zachary and Marshall in real life who are rays of light.
Hence, I am giving this book 5 out of 5 stars and I highly recommend it to readers who are into political and court drama. This was a very realistic and informative book that tackled unique cases about immigrants and their rough journey. And I’ve had an enlightening experience.