Borders & Boundaries is a collection of interconnected stories by Bill Pieper. Set in the modern day of rural northern Nevada and northeastern California, this book contains ten short stories that tackle familiar western themes such as gold mining, wildfires, train-hopping, and more. It’s a book that reads like a novel, though each story can stand on its own.
This was beautifully crafted! I’ve never read an anthology where the stories are linked together, so I was amazed at the flow of this narrative. It was just like reading a novel! Love the setting and the nostalgic mood it brings, the flawed characters which many readers can resonate with, the vast range of subject and themes and the intrigue they carry, and most importantly, the emotions that these ten stories evoked as if I were also part of their story. Overall, I’m giving it 5 out of 5 stars and highly recommend it to readers who are into anthologies.