Buried Threads is an international crime and mystery novel by Kaylin McFarren, and Book 2 of the Threads series. The story revolves around Rachel Lyons and Chase Cohen. They are partners of a successful treasure hunting company who are hired to recover a priceless gem. It is believed to be buried in a shipwreck deep within the Sea of Japan, but then the simple assignment turns out to be more than they bargained for. With a monk’s dark prophecy about a natural disaster that will soon strike Japan and kill millions, Rachel and Chase embark on a mission to uncover the three samurai swords that will stop the catastrophe from happening.
What a roller coaster ride this was! My heart was racing along with the characters of the story! This was a great adventure, a very intriguing mystery untold, with heart fluttering good and bad romance along the way! I was surprised at some revelations in this book, and was culture-shocked at some information that I learned about the modern yakuza and geisha. I also learned of a new dining experience called ‘dark dining’ or ‘blind tasting.’ It was something quite similar to a game that I watched on my most favorite Korean variety show and it’s really nice to read something like that in an adventure story.
I loved the first book, Severed Threads, but I love this even more because I was able to relate much with Rachel. She has this mentality where she feels she has to do everything on her own and that is quite me. If there is a favorite part in the book that I’d have to pick, it’s the part where Rachel finally let go of the fear inside of her that was driven from a tragic incident in the past. I’m glad she recovered from that and found her inner peace.
Another reason I love this book is that there is never a dull moment; it’s just full of entertainment! Whether I’m reading about the protagonists, or antagonists of the story, everything is intriguing and I like their backstories as well. Hence, I am giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. It’s a thrilling romance and adventure about a dark prophecy, and a gangster of yakuza that adds more to the already suspenseful plot. I highly recommend this book to all readers.