Pretty Eyes My Woman is an urban fiction by Piper Davenport. The story is told through the eyes of Abigail, a biracial girl who has just moved from Detroit to Southfield, Michigan. She meets Billie who knows the ins and outs of Southfield and shows her around. It doesn’t take long for the two girls to realize the many things they have in common, like the fact that they are both biracial and come from single-parent homes. One night, they decide to go out on Halloween, but ends up in a pickle. However, amidst their tragic fate, they are bonded by sisterhood as they learn to look out for themselves before their world decides their fate for them.
Okay, first of all, this book could really use a more decent cover. I think the first thing that the author should do is to have one solid and decent cover instead of having several very unappealing book covers on different platforms. That alone, is something that I don’t understand. Most especially the cover that I saw on Amazon and BookBub which is a mere picture of a woman. Second, this book could use some polishing to make sure that readers will get the value of their money when they buy this book. The quality of the cover and the content of a book are very important. If the cover is unappealing, it won’t attract readers and the author’s time and effort will just be wasted. If the content of the book has low quality due to errors, it will be a waste of money for the readers.
As for the storyline, I have mixed feelings about it. There were explicit details that I wish I hadn’t read, but there were also moments that had me thinking, ‘this author has potential.’ In other words, there were parts that were cringe-worthy, and parts that were entertaining. I think the narrative was quite good and just needs polishing, and the strong point of the story is its setting for its well-depicted urban environment in Southfield, which is an unsafe community. Reading this story pulled me into that kind of environment, so I felt the characters’ emotions and inner motivations. Overall, I’m giving this book 3 out of 5 stars for its potential.