Silki the Girl of Many Scarves: Canyon of Doom is a young adult Native American fiction by Jodi Lea Stewart. The story revolves around Silki, a teenage Navajo girl. In this second book to the adventure series, there’s a group of bank robbers whose aim isn’t to steal money, but to acquire the mysterious metal object that best of friends, Silki and Birdie found in the bogs of Canyon Daacha. Without the help of Birdie who’s gone elsewhere for the rest of the summer, Silki is alone as she faces a whirl of thievery, scary characters, lost artifacts, and a shadowy stranger she calls Amber Eyes.
I liked the first book, but I think this one’s more adventurous and exciting because Birdie is away and Silki has to be brave in her dangerous world while having to deal with the normal issues of youth. Aside from the lead character’s charm and humor, there’s a lot of things that makes this book a compelling read: family secrets, cooking practices, dangerous people, interesting language and culture, beautiful description of the Navajo Rez, and of course, the treasure hunting.
Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. It’s not only entertaining, it also instills valuable lessons in life and I’m sure the youth of today will be able to relate to Silki and enjoy this fun adventure story. I highly recommend it to readers who love Native American literature.