Silki the Girl of Many Scarves: Summer of the Ancient is a young adult Native American fiction by Jodi Lea Stewart and the first book to the series. The story revolves around Silki, a young Navajo teenager who thinks that Wol-la-chee, the Ancient Ant man who came about during her horseback adventure with her friend Birdie, is nothing but a figment of her imagination. But then, Wo-la-chee barges into her life one summer day on Concho Mountain, and her world turns upside down. Soon, she is faced with the pressure of her tribe’s heritage as her friendship with Birdie also starts to fall apart.
Such a beautiful adventure story! It reminds me so much of my youth when nothing can stop my young mind’s curiosity from exploring. And doing that either gets you in trouble, instill a valuable lesson, or both. It’s mostly both.
I love Silki and Birdie! They are a joy to read. Two friends getting in trouble and having to be brave and try to save themselves makes this so exciting because they're young and have limited capabilities. Not knowing what’s going to happen to them kept me from putting this book down. Most especially because there can be criminals, wild animals, or Wo-la-chee in the dark mountain or wilderness.
Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars for its fascinating storyline, great world-building, adorable characters, amusing conversations, and life lessons. I highly recommend this story about friendship and heritage to readers who love Native American literature. It doesn’t matter what age you are, even if this book is for young adults, I enjoyed it when I’m already over 40!