The Case of the Running Bag is a historical detective mystery thriller by Gene Poschman, and the first book to the Jonas Watcher Detective series. Set in the 1930s, the story begins when Jonas wakes up cold and wet in a bay underneath a pier. He got kicked out of the bar because he had no money, got arrested for D and D, and then twenty-four hours later, he got tossed out of the drunk tank. He doesn’t remember much after that. When he finds a mysterious bag with men's clothes, a train ticket, a notebook, a passport without a picture, and a gun, his life takes an exciting, but dangerous turn.
It’s fascinating how a man who had hit rock bottom suddenly turned into an assistant to a private investigator! Waking up in a bay with a bag that would change his life was a strong opening that instantly pulled me into the story of Jonas Watcher, a compelling character. I enjoyed reading this book because it was fast-paced and entertaining. Hence, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars for its entertainment value, and I recommend it to readers who are into noir stories of kidnapping, extortion, and murder.