The Cloud is a scifi and action thriller by Robert Rivenbark. It centers around Blaise, a genius VR programmer with a violent past that he wants to forget. His boss, who is obsessed with power, offers him wealth and eternal life if he decides to create a new VR series that will eliminate billions of "unproductives." While he is tempted to take the offer, he finds himself flanked by two relentless women: one wants to save humanity, and the other wants the success of The Cloud. Once and for all, Blaise must choose between self-preservation and world destruction.
Manipulation is the craziest most evil thing in the world and that’s exactly what this story shows. That if you have the power, you can act like a god and control everything you can. This was a very dark and intriguing story with a concept I’ve never heard of anywhere (unless I missed it). Though there were cringe-worthy moments due to the very sensitive topics that were tackled like human trafficking, incest, and other types of immoral conducts, the story was unique and well written. Hence, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars and recommend it to mature readers who love science fiction.