The Last Sentrys is a post-apocalyptic dystopian and science fantasy adventure by TC Marti. In this second book, Sabre Kjaergaard’s powers are evolving. She must find the last known Spirit Elysian Master who can help her uncover her abilities to control both Earth and Spirit. But her biological father, leader in the imperial Venn Order, is trying to trick her to turn to his side. Using her weakness as an emotional creature, would she be able to make the right choice?
I love Minch and Sabre’s conversations! Minch teaches her philosophies that can actually be applied in real life. I also like their love and hate relationship as teacher and student because Sabre doesn’t always agree with Minch, and it is quite amusing. It's worrying but a bit thrilling to think that there might be a chance Sabre will turn to the other side and become Venn Wrayze. And this, for me, is what keeps me from putting the book down. Also, I think Hagg deserves an Oscar. Overall, I enjoyed reading this book, so I’m giving it 5 out of 5 stars. It was highly imaginative. If you're into clones, supernatural elements, and an action-packed adventure, then this is for you.