The Satanic Chapel is a supernatural suspense by Bob Price. The story begins with an investigation being conducted by detectives from the Serious Fraud Office, Harringay and his partner, Harry Davies. They question a man named Arthur Burns about a list of nine names with his name at the bottom of that list. All of them are accountants, and all of them are dead except for Arthur Burns. The investigation continues with the people connected to Arthur. After authority figures were reported missing, a standard investigation unit goes onboard to find them. A less than standard unit called Irregular Missing Persons also received instructions to investigate. Buick, on the other hand, thinks that the supernatural was somehow involved.
I like the pacing because it flows quite smoothly. The investigation process was gradual, giving it time for readers to get a realistic view of the story before the unimaginable was discovered. This book launched right into the plot, slowed down a bit, then developed into a more sinister story about how the devil works. I like that it shows how people are lured into this ludicrous belief that Satan is better than God. Just like in real life, there are people whose brains are easily indoctrinated. That’s just how bad it is in some parts of the world and that’s how evil spreads. Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. I found minor errors, but it didn’t affect my overall reading experience. This book has been an intriguing and suspenseful story about good versus evil and I recommend it.