The Strange Land is a prehistoric fiction by Jennifer Mugrage, and the sequel to The Long Guest. Set around 10,000 BC, the story follows the adventures of one very small family group who find themselves crossing Beringia just a generation after having fled the collapse of a complex civilization: the civilization that built the Tower of Babel.
13-year-old Ikash longs for a better life beyond his three brothers, struggling mother, and abusive father. He looks up to his older cousin, Ki-ki, a shaman who regularly walks the spirit world. Ki-ki shows him how to be a shaman, but Ikash is not prepared for what truly awaits him.
I couldn’t quite pinpoint any other book I read that comes close to the kind of book this is, but for some reason, it gave me the same kind of vibes as The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho, because it is rich in wisdom and values. I love the well-depicted setting: the strange animals and lands during the prehistoric period. It seems to be the last part of the Stone Age and the start of civilization, a significant development in human history that the author was able to manifest in this book. Even the inner motivations of the characters are so driven by the setting, making it the focal point as it serves paramount to the development of the characters and storyline.
Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. I’ve had a fresh experience in reading this book since it isn’t normally what I would read on my pastime, and I’m glad I discovered it. This book was very imaginative, beautifully written, and most importantly, it imparts wisdom, Christian values, and life lessons. I highly recommend this book to all readers who want an enlightening experience.