The Thin Blue Li(n)e by Brian Cook is a crime thriller and the sequel to Hands Across the Sea. The story continues with Sheriff Callaghan and Undersheriff Ulrich digging deeper at the crux of the Union's complaint. The needs of the Agency must balance the political muscle of the Board of Supervisors and the bureaucratic clout of the Vasco city officials. Meanwhile, retired Captain Belle, Sheriff Cottrell, and Vikki Moran are in deep water and fighting their own battles. The Thin Blue Li(ne) will test the Blue Wall of Silence across interpersonal and professional landscapes.
I’m impressed by the story’s depth and complexity, and the author’s scrupulous writing. This book tackled so many topics within the law enforcement industry in more ways than anyone can imagine. It is never easy to juggle personal and professional issues at the same time. In one way or another, there has to be a point when our personal issue will interfere with our career. Most especially because no one’s perfect. And that’s what this book is about. It’s about flawed people trying their best to do well on their job. Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. It was multidimensional, well-written, and very enlightening. I highly recommend this book to readers who have finished and enjoyed the first book.