The Underground Mystery: 2nd Edition is a supernatural suspense by Bob Price. The story begins when a Northern Line tube came to a stop outside Moorgate and the driver vanished. No one saw or heard him leave his cab. The track has been searched as well as the entire surrounding area and his home, but there was no sign of what happened to him. Even the dozens of passengers that were stranded had no clue. To uncover the mystery, Betty Buick and her IMP (Irregular Missing Person) team must uncover the mysterious vanishing that occurred in a tunnel ninety feet below the surface.
This has been an intriguing read! Very imaginative! Despite the contemporary setting where people are dealing with today’s pandemic, there’s a classic feel to it because of the theme and execution of the investigation done to uncover the mystery. Ancient evil in the modern era is such a compelling topic and this story brought back an eerie reading experience that only classic stories can bring. Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars for its imaginative plot, good narrative flow, and fascinating characters. I recommend this book to readers who are into supernatural suspense.