Thirty-Three Years is a memoir by Rob G. Rothwell. This book unfolds the author’s life as a Vancouver cop who has experienced the best and worst of humanity in a city where he put his life on the line every day for thirty-three years. It contains different types of cases that will appeal to the legions of police procedural fans out there, as well as those who are considering a life in law enforcement, or those who simply love reading fascinating memoirs.
For someone who fear cops rather than admire what they do, this book brought a new light to my perception of what cops go through in their daily life. Altruism is indeed a principle that should be present in every cop and every person whose primary responsibility in life is to put others before themselves.
I love that the author shared both pros and cons of being a Vancouver cop. He has described being a policeman as vibrant, diverse, and politically complicated as Vancouver itself. That it's a beautiful city but as delightful as it is, Vancouver has a dark underbelly, for which the author has described in detail through the different police stories he shared in this book. The most that impacted me was the suicide cases because there can never be any crime more cruel and devastating than a crime committed against one's self.
Overall, I’m giving this book 5 out of 5 stars. This book was very informative and well detailed; it’s a life story within other life stories that were well written and injected with some humor to provide a well-balanced narrative that will entertain the readers. I highly recommend this book to readers who love memoirs.